The program of this competition was a real challenge in its limitation in land, building regulations and strict environmental requirements. Our proposed solution came to be so simple and bold. We designed a cubic mass with glazed façade facing the street and made all the required passive solar treatments.

We placed the functions within the cube according to the hierarchy of their relation with the public leaving a multi-height space overlooking the front façade to keep the visual relation between outside and inside. The land was completely exploited for car parking and for the main theatre and left the top of it as a landscaped plaza in front of the building for public gatherings that usually take place around the building. Our design was commended by the jury.

Aqaba - Jordan
Jordan Engineers Association (JEA)
project images
Jordanian Engineers Association Aqaba Branch
Jordanian Engineers Association Aqaba Branch
Jordanian Engineers Association Aqaba Branch
Jordanian Engineers Association Aqaba Branch
Jordanian Engineers Association Aqaba Branch