CJC commissioned BC to design the interior of its new headquarters offices and show room dedicated for professional unions' communities.

It was requested that the design should develop a new corporate identity for the company based on the latest fashion style of their major brands; CLC and Van Hauzen. The show room shall be considered the model for other branched to follow when remodeled or for new branches to be established in the coming months. Our concept suggested a minimal approach that gives the way for products to create the unique atmosphere of the interior and keeps the modern look of the space reflecting the progressive nature of the company and its fashion lines. The concept coincided with the limited budget allocated by the management for this project. Our involvement included design, preparation of tender documents and supervision.

Amman - Jordan
Corporate projects
Mixed Use And Commercial
project images
CJC Headquarters and show room
CJC Headquarters and show room
CJC Headquarters and show room
CJC Headquarters and show room
CJC Headquarters and show room
CJC Headquarters and show room
CJC Headquarters and show room